
Friday, June 12, 2020

#BLM (Black Lives Matter)

First happened

“ I can’t breathe ”, On the 25th of May 2020, there was this innocent man called George Floyd. George was at the shops buying Giana some food, he got to the counter and went to pay and just as he was about to walk out the Cops showed up and said that George was using Forged money so they had to arrest him even though he was innocent. He was with some of his family/Friends members just about to hop in the car but then 2 Cop members came to there car and told the person that was driving to get out and the person that was sitting in the back seat to get out too, both of the Cops went to George Floyd and put handcuffs on him for using forged money which he didn’t. The Cops took him near the wall that asked him a few questions, the Cops told him to get up and get into the car than George replied

“ please no please I got a daughter ” than the policeman named Derek Chauvin replied

“ get up or I will shoot you ” that's what you call a threat.

The shock of life
As he hopped in the car the policemen were chatting a lot and then Derek Chauvin quickly grabbed out George and laid him down on the floor right next to the wheel and put his knee on his neck which they were trying to make him die. Before he had died his last few words were “ I can’t breath” and “ don’t kill me please”, that a few seconds later George had died. When the whole world found out what had happened black people were mad and frustrated including some white people who are not racist, all of this was going around on the news and social media and worldwide so everyone could see it. Back then heaps of people were racist and never cared and once there was this person who had put up on social media and said black people should just go back to being slaves, That's why in New Zealand there is a day called Black Friday that reminds us of how black people were used as slaves back in the days.

The “N” Word
Donald Trump is a racist man in America. When he found out George Floyd had died he started mocking him saying “ I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe”. In some places, people call black people the “N” word (Nigga) which I think is a very sad way to call someone that cause white people wouldn’t like it if we called them a white name so why would they think black people would like that as well. The best thing to do in America and other places is to not do violence because your mothers and fathers did not raise you to kill or hurt anyone, they raised you to learn and be a good wonderful person in this world, people can learn from their mistakes if they at least try. Imagine what it feels like to be a mother or a father and someone calls or you see on the internet and it says your son or daughter has died. That is so shocking for them to find out that the police have killed their child. They could have a heart attack for finding out that way or they could faint, people raised their kids to grow and live as long as they can not for someone so dumb to kill them by putting their knee on there neck to stop them from breathing. We all didn’t grow up to call people “Nigga” or any other bad word all of us grew up to be friends/family and to include people in things, it doesn’t matter what color your skin is what matters is that you did a good job at including people in things no matter what color they are.

All around the world have protested like NZ, Australia, England, Spain, even America because Black lives matter not just white lives. Some Cops around the world show their respect to black people and they go on their knees to show their respect. Donald Trump needs to stop this violence because it's just gonna be even worse, every protester has had a sign to show their love to black people and also to George Floyd. Violence is gonna do nothing besides put you in Jail,

We should change the Laws to stop the violence everywhere

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