So first the Europeans wanted to find a work so they went and they saw different types of factories.So as the factories were getting built so the wages were low as they wanted because people we’re willing to do work. The employes and the wages worked for 14 - 16 hours a day in a week. The unskilled workers only received only 8$ or 10$ a week. They litry worked 10 cents an hour and it is obviously that it is not far. The skilled workers got more like probably about 11$ or 12$ or maybe 2$ more. The woman’s that worked there only received one - third or sometimes one - half. The amount that the boys/men’s received a same amount like the woman’s but it was sad for the children. The children received less than 10 cents an hour for fourteen hour days of work. Or even less and it was sad because even though they have small hands they tried their best to earn money so they can be rich. Factories were not the best places to work at and get a job because you will only get paid like cents. More people moved to NorthEast because they wanted propa jobs and most people lived in a “ slum”. 5 - 9 people lived in single rooms witch was big like an original house like really large. More people got sick as well because they all lived in the same room and they had different types of conditions and they all were next to each other and some of them had diseases spread. They only paid that much because the people that owned the factories wanted to be stinge and be rich. And back then in the past they had not safety rules to and that is really dumb.
This is what it looks like in the past This is the photo right now